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About Me

As a clinical psychologist, I've been providing psychotherapy to adults, teens, couples and families for over 25 years.  I received my Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut and have since worked in a range of settings including agency and residential work with families and teens and private practice.  My professional areas of practice include a broad spectrum of issues such as mood and anxiety disorders, post-trauma concerns, sexual abuse, life transitions and relational or situational distress.


My approach is relatively eclectic  which means I draw from many theoretical perspectives.  My major theoretical influences are social learning theory and mindfulness psychology.  Together these focus on an understanding of how one got to be where they are and an increased awareness of dynamics in their present world.  The truth is that many of us are reacting more to past experiences and future expectations than what is actually occurring right here, right now.  Exploring these dynamics in a safe environment allows people to move from impulsive, reactive patterns to healthier responsive ones.  I have a very interactive and collaborative style which works by tailoring ideas and interventions to your individual situation needs.


My goal is not to help people avoid pain per se, as pain is a natural element of life, but rather to develop a different way to approach it, a different relationship with it.  We have a great deal to learn from ourselves through how we deal with life's challenges.  Which in turn allows us to approach the next set of challenges better equipped and with more internal resources and flexibility.  The ability to turn pain into growth and a deeper appreciation and respect for oneself has never ceased to amaze me and it continues to fuel my love for my work and my wonderment at the beautiful complexities of the human spirit.


Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering

There is a crack in everything

That's how the light gets in


- Leonard Cohen

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